Sagada Escapade Series: Introduction

Stressful months passed by and I can’t help myself to have my icebreaker. I need a break! I have to unwind to clear my mind from all the anxieties. So I decided to file a leave and go north! Haha.

Sagada, Mt. Province, is located in the northern part of the Philippines. As the location implies, Sagada is located in the boondocks so traveling would be a heck of a price on the butt, as in literally. From Manila, I and my friends traveled 13 hours by land! There’s no airport in the mountain to begin with so we don’t have a choice. This 13 excruciating hours almost paralyzed my butt, hahaha. But don’t worry, there were stopovers along the way for comfort breaks( I think we had 4) as call of nature (which we called “Mayor”) strikes on some of us, hehe.

Our first stop of Sagada series would be on Banaue, Ifugao ( this is not yet in Sagada).

I’ll be posting part 1 of the series on my next entry.

Follow me on twitter @karlo_joseph